Violette Ruppanner - Global Minds

Management & Development Consultant · Lausanne, Switzerland More about Violette Ruppanner - Global Minds
  • 57 years old.
  • Member since September 24 2011.
  • Personal Background

    Violette is a Partner with Strategos SA, a Swiss strategy and management consulting practice, and the President of the Geneva chapter of the Organisation of Women in International Trade. Born and raised in Switzerland, she loved travelling from an early age and lived in China, Vietnam and the USA. She draws from a rich and varied experience in international trade, trade diplomacy, economic development cooperation, human rights and trade. She also has wide-ranging knowhow in project design & management, business planning & development, change management and organisational governance. Violette holds a degree in Economics and Trade from the University of Lausanne (HEC) and masters in management of technology from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and in business administration from Michigan State University (USA). She was also a visiting scholar at Nanjing University. In her spare time, Violette loves reading, hiking, and going to the theatre and the movies.


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