Latest activities of group Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Future of Gs2012-05-15T10:59:14Z<p><img style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="/s3/photos%2F2012%2F05%2F5a3d26d566bd5792.jpg" alt="Family in Mongolia Using Solar Panel " width="450" height="313" />International governance is often discussed in fora designated by cryptic letters. The &lsquo;Gs&rsquo; have referred to the Group of 8 (G8), the Group of 7 (G7), the Group of 2 (G2) and now the Group of 20 (G20)<a rel="nofollow" href="#_ftn1">*</a>. With the &lsquo;Rs&rsquo;, a new letter era is on the rise. The proof? The most prominent &lsquo;G&rsquo; members want to join.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">From May 4-6, a pre-G20 meeting took place in Mexico City. Global growth strategies, the financial stabilization of Europe, the reduction of global imbalances, resistance to protectionism and the protection of green growth were among the key issues discussed. Former leaders of Brazil, Spain, the United Kingdom and Canada &ndash; founding members of the G20 &ndash; as well as the Director General of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy &ndash; all of whom sit on the <a rel="nofollow" href="">Nicolas Berggruen Institute's 21st Century Council</a>&nbsp;&ndash; issued a statement emphasizing the need for the G20 to merge with the R20.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The R20, like the G20, is an international grouping aiming at coordinating global governance efforts and implementing common policies. The body will be an active participant at RIO+20, which is intended to redefine global guidelines focused on preserving the environment. Unlike the Gs, however, which are based around nation states, the R stands for region. The R20 are, in fact, the &ldquo;regions of climate action&rdquo;. The underlying rationale assumes that &ldquo;the local&rdquo; is best placed to implement global measures.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The R20 was created under the impulse of the then Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger &ndash; its current Founding Chair. In an exclusive interview with <em><a rel="nofollow" href="../../../group/arnold-schwarzenegger/article/89/">The Global Journal</a> </em>in March, Schwarzenegger expressed his belief that the &ldquo;R20 is not just another NGO or network of regions, it is much more than that. It is a real coalition of forces which believe that climate change and green economic development can be tackled at the subnational level&rdquo;. The <a rel="nofollow" href="">R20</a> works through &ldquo;a coalition of partners led by regional governments&rdquo; and towards the implementation of &ldquo;projects that are designed to produce local economic and environmental benefits in the form of reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; strong local economies; improved public health; and new green jobs.&rdquo; *&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Confronted with the recurrent failure of the G20 to find agreement between its members on these issues, the R20 appears as a new and innovative platform, which provides efficient and implementable results. This stands in stark contrast to the unsatisfactory answer the G20 has provided in response to the environmental issues raised by the Mexico Summit and forthcoming Rio Conference, grounded in "self-country action" and "best practices sharing&rdquo; as a complement to global treaties. In reality, this means it is likely that few solutions will be implemented. In comparison, the R20 has the potential to be more proactive. The grouping acts through a simple model, by which localities set their own energy strategy priorities, which are then supported through financing and technology brought in by the R20. The results have been impressive: the R20 has created efficient public and private partnerships that contribute to local employment.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">With the Kyoto protocol scheduled to expire in 2012, a merger of G20 leadership and reach, with R20 effectiveness, would indeed provide the opportunity to initiate large-scale yet concrete green economy changes in the global governance sphere.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="#_ftnref1">*</a>G8 members: France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom (UK), Japan, United States (US), Canada, and Russia; G7: France, Germany, Italy, UK, Japan, US, Canada; G2: US and China ; G20: Argentina, France, Japan, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, India, Republic of Korea, UK, Canada, Indonesia, Russia, US,&nbsp;China, Italy, Saudi Arabia and the European Union.</p> <p><span style="color: #888888;">(Photo &copy; Rio+20)</span></p>The R20, More Gas Than the G202012-03-07T10:30:03Z<p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="float: left; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 9px; margin-right: 9px;" title="GAS" src="/s3/cache%2Fdf%2Fea%2Fdfeabf97b07d1d84962d436cd2f2c709.jpg" alt="GAS" width="280" height="411" />In the columns of the Global Journal just one year ago, Pascal&nbsp; Lamy described global governance as politics still in the&nbsp; gaseous state. Over those 12 months, these &ldquo;excited&rdquo; electrons&nbsp; (we call them GIPS, or Global Issue Players) have carried out&nbsp; their chaotic but constructive interaction. And here, sweet surprise,&nbsp; enters into force a new player, the R20 led by the former&nbsp; governor of California, a great lover of concrete achievements.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">As the R20 was setting up its offices in Villa Montfleury, with&nbsp; the support of the Canton of Geneva, and by mutual agreement&nbsp; between Arnold Schwarzenegger, the UN Secretary General&nbsp; Ban Ki-moon and the Administrator of the UN Development&nbsp; Program Helen Clark, its new Executive Director was chosen,&nbsp; in the person of Christophe Nuttall, currently director for innovative&nbsp; partnerships at UNDP, Geneva. Meanwhile, Global was&nbsp; in Los Angeles for an exclusive and uncompromising interview&nbsp; with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Honorary President and founder&nbsp; of the R20.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Here, he talks about his political record, the R20&nbsp; project and its goals. How, with a few faithful members of his&nbsp; Green Battle in California, like Linda Adams and Terry Tamminen,&nbsp; he has gathered a global team and a top international&nbsp; network. And how he has not forgotten the urgency of climate&nbsp; change and has his sights on Durban and Rio where he wants&nbsp; to present the first concrete results of the R20 and its roadmap&nbsp; for 2020, the &ldquo;20&rdquo; of &ldquo;R20&rdquo; and whose &ldquo;R&rdquo; stands for &ldquo;Region&rdquo;.&nbsp; Because there is no question of limiting the R20 to 20 regions,&nbsp; says Schwarzenegger. On the contrary.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">We have also interviewed several policymakers who have&nbsp; joined the former governor, from Europe, Africa or Asia and&nbsp; who are themselves governors, bankers, UN experts, from&nbsp; NGOs and business. Why do they believe in the R20? What do&nbsp; they expect? What are they willing to do for its success? Their&nbsp; own answers are worth more than any long introduction.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">At a time when many consider the G20 itself as a failure&nbsp; (what legitimacy, what results?), as the BRICS show their&nbsp; teeth, potentially further undermining the G20, as the UN&nbsp; goes through a difficult phase with its effectiveness constantly&nbsp; questioned and the thorny issue of the Security Council still&nbsp; an obstacle, the arrival of the R20 is good news, for it pulls&nbsp; together all these elements driven by the urgency of climate&nbsp; change.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The R20 embodies the idea of a new economy integrating&nbsp; climate, sustainability, equality, skills, financing, employment&nbsp; and profit. Even beyond that object, the R20 is also a new&nbsp; tool of governance, being primarily a method and not another&nbsp; institution. &ldquo;Project-oriented&rdquo; promises Chris Nuttall! The&nbsp; R20 can catalyze means, needs and people, strengthened by&nbsp; Schwarzenegger&rsquo;s ability &ldquo;to crack the Carbon code,&rdquo; as Tamminen&nbsp; calls the challenge in California. For once, Americans&nbsp; are playing multilaterally and the game merits close attention.&nbsp; We have too often seen federations of cities or regions with&nbsp; no large U.S. presence turn into simple, even if not useless,&nbsp; forums. The R20 has strong cards to win its bet. We will be following&nbsp; it with interest.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">To read the interview, order a copy of the&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" href="">magazine</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">A. Schwarzenegger, L.A. April 14, 2011 &copy;Pascal Dol&eacute;mieux for The Global Journal</p>Schwarzenegger's R20 Comes to the Lake Geneva2011-09-22T11:13:06Z<p>Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has set the Executive office of the R20 in Geneva with financial assistance from the Cantonal government. Located in Villa Montfleury, the executive secretariat will start operating in a couple of weeks. As he clearly expressed in his interview with The Global Journal, A. Schwarzenegger enters the Climate Change debate, with a bang.</p> <p>To read his exclusive interview, you can order a copy of the magazine <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a></p>