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Like economic globalization, transnational civil society is often seen as a recent phenomenon. From the worldwide protests of the Occupy Movement, to environmental advocacy campaigns ahead of RIO+20, and multi-faceted development ...
As negotiations on a new Mercury Convention wrap up in Geneva, Richard Fuller presents the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP), a new collaborative body tasked with coordinating resources and activities ...
To see clearly is a difficult task. At night, or when there is too much light, when tired, or when too many people are around, where the rush of events is clouding ...
Photo: During the afternoon plenary with Naoko Ishii, GEF CEO and Chairperson; Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director; Tim Kasten, UNEP; INC Chair Fernando Lugris, Uruguay; Jacob Duer, INC Team Coordinator, UNEP; Masa ...
Open letter to Secretary-General of the United Nations Appointment of the next Secretary-General of UNCTAD Dear Mr. Secretary-General, Later this year, you will be nominating to the General Assembly your choice of ...
During the last meeting of the North American Network Operators’ Group (NANOG) on 24 October, an Internet Governance Update Panel was convened to review the possible implications of treaty-level decisions on the ...
The World Conference on International Communications (WCIT-12) begins in Dubai on 3 December. Convened by the ITU, the UN agency in charge of telecommunications, WCIT-12 looms as a turning point for the ...
What is the new game in town? Out of competing theories and views, there tends to emerge a certain winner, a dominant argument that shapes the entire new paradigm. In a world ...
It is a good day for intolerant rulers like Hugo Chavez and Nursultan Nazarbayev, as seven countries with particularly appalling human rights records were elected to the UN Human Rights Council: Ethiopia ...
The Nobel Prize announcement has triggered another round of EU bashing. There are many reasons today to be critical of the EU. Any positive appraisal of the EU project could be seen ...
When people in Scotland or Flanders or Catalonia talk of independence, they have an invisible but powerful ally: globalization. Nations no longer need as much territory to be viable as they did ...
To commemorate the one-year anniversary of the passing of Laura Pollán, the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) re-releases two documentary shorts highlighting the work of the “Ladies in White,” a civil society ...
In an interview with The Global Journal at the Economist Conferences NCD Summit held in Geneva on 29 October 2012, Ama de-Graft Aikins discusses NCDs in emerging markets and the need for ...
The transport industry’s leading trade fair, InnoTrans, was the site today of the launch of the inaugural Global SNCF Mobility Index. A unique collaboration between The Global Journal and French rail ...
Oleg Shein, a mild-mannered member of the opposition movement, came before Western audiences last week to discuss corruption in Russia. Shein was the Just Russia mayoral candidate in Astrakhan, a major city ...
With the world economy still struggling to recover, young people continue to face unprecedented levels of unemployment. The United Nations has responded by producing several events and studies, including May’s Youth ...
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