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Diversity is not about quotas but fair representation. Following on from her previous analysis of NGO boards, Fairouz El Tom lays out the considerations NGOs should keep in mind when appointing board ...
Figures reveal a clear disjunction between the world NGOs seek to create, and the world their governance structures reproduce. Diversity and inclusion are important to almost all non-governmental organisations. To what extent ...
The Montreal Protocol demonstrated that nations can come together to successfully design and implement effective environmental legislation. The general public did not originally accept the idea of a hole in the ozone ...
In his article “The Challenges for European Identity” Francis Fukuyama claims the undergoing crisis in the European Union is primarily a crisis over its identity rather than economic or political foundations. While ...
Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, addresses an audience at Bilkent Univeristy Ankara upon receiving a Doctorat Honoris Causa, 15 March 2013. Ladies and gentlemen, Being with you in "bilim ...
The last two months have seen unprecedented friction between the United States and China over allegations of attacks by the latter on the computer networks and sensitive information of American business and ...
The 2008 crisis is special in that it will soon be renamed the 2008-2014 crisis. We know crises as emerging sharply and fading rapidly – this one is taking its time. We are ...
For the first time, the three global institutions dealing with health, intellectual property and trade have pooled their expertise on a study of policies needed to advance medical technologies and ensure they ...
At WCIT-12 in Dubai in December, the 193 member states of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) met to review a treaty that has formed the global framework for telecommunications regulation for almost ...
Like economic globalization, transnational civil society is often seen as a recent phenomenon. From the worldwide protests of the Occupy Movement, to environmental advocacy campaigns ahead of RIO+20, and multi-faceted development ...
In the first of a regular series inviting prominent members of academia to address key questions of global governance, international politics and the evolution of the international system, David Armitage – one of ...
To see clearly is a difficult task. At night, or when there is too much light, when tired, or when too many people are around, where the rush of events is clouding ...
Photo: During the afternoon plenary with Naoko Ishii, GEF CEO and Chairperson; Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director; Tim Kasten, UNEP; INC Chair Fernando Lugris, Uruguay; Jacob Duer, INC Team Coordinator, UNEP; Masa ...
When Galileo Galilei claimed that the earth revolved around the sun instead of celestial subjects revolving around the earth it broke away from conventional knowledge. This eventually led to a new level ...
Open letter to Secretary-General of the United Nations Appointment of the next Secretary-General of UNCTAD Dear Mr. Secretary-General, Later this year, you will be nominating to the General Assembly your choice of ...
The World Conference on Telecommunications of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) ended in a showdown in Dubai with the US and some of its allies walking out of the meeting, refusing to ...
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