Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights · Geneva, Switzerland More about doCIP
  • Member since July 12 2012.
  • Personal Background

    doCip was created at the request of indigenous delegations participating in the first international conference of non-governmental organisations on indigenous rights held at the United Nations in 1977.

    Its main objective is to support indigenous peoples as they defend their rights, particularly within the framework of international institutions. doCip is a service organisation guided by respect for the self-determination of indigenous peoples. doCip acts at their request, consults indigenous peoples regularly about its different activities and offers impartial support. doCip is the only organisation working with indigenous peoples which provides its services in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish and Russian).

    doCip constitutes the historical memory of the international processes of the recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights for transmission to younger generations. doCip has built up one of the largest global networks concerning the rights of indigenous peoples, with over 6,600 na tional organisations, regional networks and other stakeholders.

    doCip is a Swiss non-profit organisation (under Article 80 of the civil code) based in Geneva. It is governed by a Foundation Council and administered by a Committee. It has a small team of permanent staff and relies on a wide network of qualified volunteers both in Geneva and New York.


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