Gael Favari

Photo-Journalist · Geneva, Switzerland More about Gael Favari
  • 40 years old.
  • Member since January 17 2012.
  • Personal Background

    Gaël Favari has been an awarded blogger for years. He is now a freelance photo-reporter syndicatedby Caters News and co-producer of Open Show Switzerland.  He’s been covering the Egyptian revolutionfor early February 2011  and regularlyfollowed it throughout the year. His pictures have been seen in Reporters without Boarders and BFM. 

    “Aller à la rencontre de l’autre/desévénements - constater – ne jamais considérer son propre schéma de penser commeune vérité absolue - investiguer – décrypter : voilà ma manière deprocéder »  



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