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The recent attacks on diplomatic missions in the Middle East have brought into focus the discussion on embassies and the tension between their function and protection. It reminds me of sessions in ...
No stone has been left unturned – or so it seems. Syria is experiencing a full-scale civil war. If Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General, the world's most eminent diplomatic figure and ...
“Get out, you miserable dog!” For Romanian President Traian Basescu, this has been the recurrent chorus of the people publicly protesting against him. In January this year, Romania saw a minor resurgence ...
With the dust beginning to settle on the death of Meles Zenawi (21 July) —ruler of Ethiopia since 1991—Western leaders have been quick to lavish praise on his legacy. A darling ...
A fiction writer from the Golden Age of Russian literature could never have dreamed up a scenario as absurd and a story as far-fetched as the persecution of the punk rock band ...
With the world economy still struggling to recover, young people continue to face unprecedented levels of unemployment. The United Nations has responded by producing several events and studies, including May’s Youth ...
We want to open an NGO In the past five-six years, many people, friends, and students showed interest and contacted me to take my advice about opening a Non Government Organisation (NGO ...
Equatorial Guinea brutalizes its people like North Korea and Syria. So why is a prominent U.S. foundation cozying up to its dictator? In the campaign for human rights and justice in ...
United States policy towards Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mbasogo, the dictator/president of Spanish-speaking Equatorial Guinea, is a perfect case study in the hypocrisy of Western leaders when it comes to African strongmen ...
When you think of Africa what comes to mind? Go ahead give it a go, and honestly say the first things that popped into your head. Your answers will probably cluster around ...
Last Thursday (28 June), I was on the schedule to deliver testimony at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. I was invited to be part of UN Watch's campaign ...
Cyprus, cognisant of its size and experience as a member state, wants its presidency of the European Union to be one that facilitates and navigates through the Union’s agenda without fanfare ...
The bizarre confusion of morals in the global arms trade was brought to light late last week when the U.S. Department of Defense went on a PR offensive to justify their ...
The trade debate is once again on top of the agenda, and will soon return as a subject of discussion for governments around the world. Only a few weeks after South Africa ...
With the recent economy forcing employers worldwide to get more stringent with their resources, several industries have seen increases in the outsourcing of work to in-country as well as international freelance workers ...
Given the political paralysis in Washington and the on-going crisis over the eurozone, it is difficult to be optimistic about the global economy. Focusing solely on recent gloomy headlines, though, causes us ...
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