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Should democratic governments step into the sovereign affairs of other states in order to prevent genocide or mass killings?During World War II, German cleric Dietrich Bonhoeffer actively conspired against Hitler to ...
This paper is based on a speech given at a conference with the University of Geneva and the Latsis Foundation in December 2011. It has been edited by Professor Fukuyama for The ...
Introduction Today, most governments are focused on understanding the economic growth they rely on, and take strong measures to sustain this growth. Why are they so focused on this element? It is ...
As the world focuses its attention on the horrors of Kim Jong Il's rule, the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) uploads three important talks given at the Oslo Freedom Forum to take ...
2012 has been declared the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. Capturing one of Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s priorities in his second term, it seeks to meet three objectives by 2030 ...
As a graduate student searching for a job in the humanitarian sector, it has been suggested to me that employers look for key words in cover letters and on CVs - words that ...
For a long time the Arctic region[1] has been viewed as barren wasteland far from civilization due to its inaccessibility arising from layers of thick ice. As a consequence, territorial claims ...
Year after year, the U.S. State Department issues an annual report that criticizes the Cuban government for detaining some of its citizens in prison indefinitely, without charging them with crimes or ...
General Yoweri Museveni has ruled Uganda for more than 25 years. Since taking power in a 1986 military coup, he has stacked this Central African country's voting commission with his henchmen ...
While business schools overall have been highly prolific in teaching and writing about the opportunities arising from the global market economy and emerging markets, they – as with the global business community in ...
OSLO—The Nobel Peace Prize is a legacy of Swedish businessman and inventor Alfred Nobel, the nobility of its aim, to reward those who strive for peace, is seldom questioned, given that ...
"This obsession with a legally binding treaty [to tackle climate change] is an obstacle for countries achieving targets they have committed to," declared Paul Bledsoe, a climate change advisor to President Clinton ...
Africa is being cooked by climate change, and those causing the crisis should compensate the victims. This is probably the only hope for any top-down action at the Durban COP17 next month ...
Turkey's threat to cut electricity exports to Syria, part of an effort to pressure the Syrian government to halt its deadly attacks on protestors, illuminates a hidden dynamic of international relations ...
When considering Timothy Geithner’s, US Secretary of Treasury, obsession to cast Europe as the most serious obstacle to the global economic recovery it seems that he has a secret dream: to ...
The myth of female peacefulness has penetrated no field as greatly as foreign policy. Though there has been a scattering of female wartime leaders over the centuries, this myth has retained its ...
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