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Outbreaks of viral and bacterial infections may seem banal in light of the progress made in medical science. Yet hundreds of millions of patients worldwide are affected by healthcare-associated infections every year, and thousands ultimately ...
China’s Silent Army: The Pioneers, Traders, Fixers And Workers Who Are Remaking The World In Beijing’s Image, Juan Pablo Caedenal & Heriberto Araújo, Allen Lane, £25.00. More than a sporting event, the ...
Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health, Joseph Dumit, Duke University Press, $23.95. The average American is prescribed and purchases between nine and 13 prescription-only drugs per year. Overall healthcare expenditures were ...
In the run up to the 22nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Kalon Dicki Chhoyang addressed the issue of Sino-Tibetan relations at the 5th Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy on ...
For the first time, the three global institutions dealing with health, intellectual property and trade have pooled their expertise on a study of policies needed to advance medical technologies and ensure they reach the people ...
As negotiations on a new Mercury Convention wrap up in Geneva, Richard Fuller presents the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP), a new collaborative body tasked with coordinating resources and activities to solve toxic ...
Photo: During the afternoon plenary with Naoko Ishii, GEF CEO and Chairperson; Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director; Tim Kasten, UNEP; INC Chair Fernando Lugris, Uruguay; Jacob Duer, INC Team Coordinator, UNEP; Masa Nagai, UNEP; and ...
The fifth and final round of negotiations on the establishment of an international mercury convention opened today in Geneva. The final meeting of the International Negotiating Committee on Mercury (INC5) is taking place until Friday ...
Thieves of Virtue: When Bioethics Stole Medecin, Tom Koch, The MIT Press, £20.95. Born in the 1960s, bioethics was to bring “a specific kind of analytic, moral philosophy to questions of medical care and ...
As the landmark World Conference on International Communications (WCIT-12) begins in Dubai, the Swiss Social Democratic Party is devising bold propositions to defend democracy, media pluralism and freedom of expression for digital media and the ...
In an interview with The Global Journal at the Economist Conferences NCD Summit held in Geneva on 29 October 2012, Ama de-Graft Aikins discusses NCDs in emerging markets and the need for coordinated action. Ama ...
Water, David L. Feldman, Polity $39.95. Water is required by every living thing, yet a growing number of people face difficulties accessing it. Climate change, urbanization, pollution, energy use, agriculture, population growth, and migration ...
Cosmic Constitutional Theory: Why Americans Are Losing Their Inalienable Right To Self-Governance, J. Harvie Wilkinson III, Oxford University Press, $21.95. Cosmic constitutionalism characterizes competing schools of liberal and conservative activism, seeking to achieve partisan ...
It is well known that not only states commit human rights violations. Private entities, including corporations, do too. What is less known, is that the international legal system that was once a safe haven for ...
Although most Millennium Development Goals (MDG) can be reframed in terms of economic, social and cultural rights such as the right to health, education or food, the project lacks a human rights perspective. With less ...
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